
Long distance relationships are pretty tough on everybody. Unfortunately, that’s essentially the approach of our modern, non-communal living. We each have our own space. This contributes to the barriers to developing new friendships. It takes a lot to be brave enough to step out and extend your hand first. We hear you. You like your neighbors. You go to your house of faith. You drive to the post office or the market and everybody’s familiar. You go to work. You volunteer in your community and you are pretty darn wonderful. But…

If we are going to be friends with other people in our community? We need to develop some relationships outside of our comfort zone. To get that stranger-danger thing under control, we’ll help you access the lizard brain with “bait.” The act of breaking bread, or grabbing a ‘cuppa’ something together? Those simple actions reassure our very ancient brains that we are indeed with members of our tribe, the human race. Culturally we may speak, think and act differently, but it is a beautiful thing when we have an opportunity to share our humanity.

Past events

Please enjoy some photos from past community unity events during which we volunteered, partnered, helped organize or supported in some other way. Special shout outs to Odyssey World International Education Services (Juneteenth and Women Supporting Women Friendship Tea), All Saints Episcopal Church (The Interfaith Coalition Thanksgiving Eve Service), Traveling Day Society (Drum Circle), the Interfaith Coalition of Southwest Washington, Ridgefield Community Progressives Group, Ridgefield’s Multi-Cultural Festival, the Chinook Indian Nation, the Cowlitz Indian Tribe and Indivisible Greater Vancouver.