There are many ways to become a supporter of The Grace Continuum. We appreciate our volunteers who donate their time and energy. We appreciate those who plant a tree to honor our Mother. We appreciate the people who participate in our events. We appreciate your financial gifts in support of our programming.
Your belief in our work continues to inspire us. Thank you all so much.
Donation Payment Methods
Online Giving
When you make a donation to The Grace Continuum, your contribution is processed through Stripe on the GiveLively platform. You can securely make an online donation through your bank, on a credit card or Google pay by clicking this “DONATE” link.
Donations by Check or Money Order
Donations by check, cashier’s check or money order can be mailed to: The Grace Continuum, 31607 NW 44th Ave., Ridgefield, WA 98642-7218.
Take a Beauty Break and Smell the Salt Air

General Donation Information
Donations can be made for general program support, in honor of a person or special occasion, in memory of a loved one, or funds can be designated to support a particular Grace Continuum program. We gratefully accept in-kind donations and others types of non-monetary assistance. If you have any questions or would like more information, please call Elizabeth Madrigal at (360) 857-6808. We greatly appreciate your support.
Information for your Tax Preparer
Donors can deduct contributions made to our organization under IRC Section 170. The Grace Continuum is a public charity and exempt from federal income tax under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation designation. The Grace Continuum is also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfer or gifts under Section 2055, 2106 or 2522. We can provide your tax preparer with a donation receipt. Our federal EIN# is 88-2702489.
Donation Receipts
Your contribution amount will show on your credit card and bank statement as “The Grace Continuum.” For online donations, you should receive an email donation receipt within 24 hours detailing the transaction. For donations sent by mail, your donation will be acknowledged upon receipt and a donation receipt will be mailed within two business days.
We appreciate the encouragement and the sacrifices our donors make in order to support our work, and we want to make sure you know that. If your donation is not quickly acknowledged, please contact Elizabeth Madrigal at or call her at (360) 857-6808.
Your Contribution Accelerates Carbon Removal
In addition to supporting our programming, your contribution helps us with our mission to advance environmental justice. The Grace Continuum contributes 1% of all donations to Stripe Climate, a coalition of over 25,000 businesses in 39 countries, accelerating carbon removal. No company can stop climate change by itself. Stripe Climate aggregates funds from forward-thinking businesses around the world to increase demand for carbon removal. Stripe Climate works with Frontier, Stripes in-house team of science and commercial experts, to purchase permanent carbon removal. Learn More.
Programs supported by your donation include the Women’s Mosaic Radio Show, Poverty Abolitionists, One Trillion Trees, Mentorship and Community Unity Events. EIN# is 88-2702489